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Rant Thread

Loyal Subject
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Rant Thread Empty Rant Thread

Post  Lee Fri Jan 22, 2010 7:39 pm

I realized we don't have a rant thread where people can vent things that go wrong in their daily life or wherever. Well now we do and this way we can keep other threads clutter free from random posts such as this.

Grumble grumble.

Yesterday I just realized when logging on to an online game that it's being shut down in one month. They waited until the last second without giving any advanced notice, talk about horrible business management right?

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Rant Thread Empty Re: Rant Thread

Post  Loyal Subject Fri Jan 22, 2010 8:18 pm

omg i have been waiting for someone to make this thread because i know i rant a lot and will probably end up annoying everyone.

ok so here it goes.

everything was going ok today until i had to compose my idea journal. this is basically just a way for us to organize things that inspire us. it can be anything. so i put in a picture of Heart no Kuni no Alice and then When Curiosity Met Insanity in order to demonstrate how Alice in Wonderland has been inspiring me. I could only do black and white pictures because there's no color in my printer. But ANYWAY! so then i decided "oh! Since Vic Mignogna inspires me, I'll put in the very first email he sent me =D". so i go to my email to pull out the saved file and its not friggin there. Every other email that he has sent me is there. Except that one. But no worries because you know what, I printed out the email =D So ha!

Well....it turns out...the email is not where i thought i put it x_x. So now I dont know where it is and im VERY upset about this. since the other emails ive sent him are just questions. but the first one was when i told him i was a fan of his.....so upsetting....
Loyal Subject
Loyal Subject

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Rant Thread Empty Re: Rant Thread

Post  Lee Sat Jan 23, 2010 11:10 am

lol I knew it would be used a lot, you go off topic with your rants sometimes. Now you have a place to do it officially! That's a pretty long story for just an e-mail, lol sounds like my days sometimes when nothing goes just right for one tiny thing.

I'm still a bit disappointed at the server shut down of a online game I liked to play. It's still up, but not for too long, it will be going down in about a month or so. Since all of the data is server based, all of my hours played on that game will be erased when the servers are shut down, which kind of sucks. I would like a memento to show of the hours I spent on the game throughout the two years I've been playing it.

It probably wouldn't had been so sudden and rude had they given a longer notice. It was just announced when I logged in two days ago that it was going down in a month. They promised a really cool event would take place during this week, but when I logged on it's like "Oh hey Cool Amazing Event Happening, but you can't play it cause were shutting this game down."

I swear this companies history is pretty pisspoor. I'll think long and hard before I buy another product from them even if the games are good the service is horrible.

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Rant Thread Empty Re: Rant Thread

Post  zfish9 Sat Jan 23, 2010 4:38 pm

Ahhh... the online game i play is exactly the opposite Lee. they tel you stuff ahead of the time and are willing to piss off half the players to make sure the game still survives.

I really don't have anything to rant about right now, but i'm pretty sure eventually i will.
Air Bender

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Rant Thread Empty Re: Rant Thread

Post  Lee Sat Jan 23, 2010 7:14 pm

Yeah I'm going to still play it until it dies since I spent enough time to create and level my characters. I just wish they had a way to transfer the files to memory cards or something so they don't go poof.

So Zfish what game do you play? I'm considering looking into a new online game since this one will be dead within the next month.

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Rant Thread Empty Re: Rant Thread

Post  Loyal Subject Sat Jan 23, 2010 10:09 pm

I still haven't found my email. T_T

Ok so, the cast list was posted for Alice like forever ago and I didn't get in. But you know what, I didn't care. Why? Because that exact same day, the new Alice in Wonderland trailer came out. So now, I'm working on the play as a Dramaturg (don't ask me what it is because I still don't know what I'm doing). Anyway, so one day I told the director I couldn't go and then she told me to go see her. Which I thought was really weird because I'm just the Dramaturg or whatever. So she pulls me aside and tells me I was still being considered for the role of Alice even though I did such a shitty job on the voice part. She asked me to sing again for her which I did significantly better because it wasn't really an audition.....

But I had to turn down the role because unlike high school musicals, she has rehearsal going until like 11:00 and that means I wouldn't get home until 12:00 am...and I tried it out for one day and I couldn't do it XD. But that's ok because I am just content that I would have been the "perfect Alice" as she put it =p.

And no, I didn't know rehearsals would be that late when I auditioned because she never told us that. Otherwise, I wouldn't have auditioned to begin with.

The End =D.

I think that was the most positive rant I've ever done =p.
Loyal Subject
Loyal Subject

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Rant Thread Empty Re: Rant Thread

Post  Lee Sat Jan 23, 2010 10:14 pm

I know what you mean! If you remember from earlier posts here about the Avatar casting, They auditioned me for Jet back when they were looking for actors for Avatar! Though I wasn't good enough!

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Rant Thread Empty Re: Rant Thread

Post  Loyal Subject Sat Jan 23, 2010 10:23 pm

^ Umm.....I want to not believe you but my gullible nature is telling me otherwise XD
Loyal Subject
Loyal Subject

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Rant Thread Empty Re: Rant Thread

Post  Lee Sat Jan 23, 2010 10:52 pm

I was second in line it's not fair! I could had been in!

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Rant Thread Empty Re: Rant Thread

Post  Loyal Subject Sat Jan 23, 2010 11:23 pm

And I would have believed you too, but that just killed it =p
Loyal Subject
Loyal Subject

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Rant Thread Empty Re: Rant Thread

Post  zfish9 Sat Jan 23, 2010 11:36 pm

The online game that i play is called Runescape, it is a fantasy adventure online game, it is, somewhat, Free to play. about 15/24 skills you can train in free to play (However, a good part of the stuff you can do with the skills is only available to people who buy a member's acc and get everything.) Millions of people play, and there is nothing to install. There's over 15000 hours of free gameplay and the game is regularly updated, usually on every other Monday or Tuesday. there's also a total of 162 quests, but only 18 are for Free-to-play.

Even though most of the things you can only do as a member, it's still the world’s most popular free MMO according to the Guinness World Records.

Also, there is a new skill coming out sometime this year for Free players and members, but no one knows what it is yet. and if there's a new skill, there's probably going to be other new stuff added to free-to-play soon.
Air Bender

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Rant Thread Empty Re: Rant Thread

Post  Lee Sun Jan 24, 2010 4:17 am

So do you do free play or pay for it? Either way it sounds interesting.

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Rant Thread Empty Re: Rant Thread

Post  zfish9 Sun Jan 24, 2010 4:55 am

I play on members, but it's going to run out soon.
Air Bender

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Rant Thread Empty Re: Rant Thread

Post  Loyal Subject Sun Jan 24, 2010 5:14 pm

Ok, so my one class has two times we meet: one for actual class and another for possible screenings of films. Well, my teacher decided "hey instead of meeting during our scheduled time, I'm going to make my students go to a screening on a completely random day". What the hell. I'm not driving up to the school on a day I dont have classes just to watch a horror movie at 6:00 at night. No thank you. Not happening.

So I rented it and I dont plan on showing up to class that Tuesday. I could begin to rant about how it is completely ridiculous that we should be subjected to watch a horror movie but that's an entirely different story.
Loyal Subject
Loyal Subject

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Rant Thread Empty Re: Rant Thread

Post  zfish9 Sat Jan 30, 2010 2:12 am

Aha! I knew I'd post here with a rant eventually.

My father is suing my school district.

I have a disability and my father has asked me to get tested on it countless times. he's sent in all the bullshit the school needs for permission to test it. whenever he E-mails the school councilor, principle, superintendent, ECT, they all refer to what he sent. however, when it comes to testing me, they say "Oh, we never got it."

for the very minor tests however, they made me take them every three years. In other words, every time I went to the next building. and each time i went to the next building in the school system, they said that they "Didn't have the records of what you did before, so here's the first test again!"

One of the few tests the school did do was an IQ test. i did it, and they said I scored a 110 on it and wouldn't need help. however, when my parents got a copy of it (One of the very few things the school ever gave away copies of) they looked closer at it and i got about a 130 on the math part, genius level, and about an 80 on the writing/English part, closer to mental retarded. you'd think that by seeing that wide of a gap, the school would realize that i had a disability.

The thing none of us get however, is why the school does all this bullshit to me. my father has advocated for many kids with disabilities, in the same school district too, and they don't give him problems for them. do they think that my father cares less for me then other kids? the school is going to learn the hard way they pissed off the wrong person. as soon as someone asks me if my father is serious, I'm going to ask "so, do you only notice papers that come to you if you're getting sued?"
Air Bender

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Rant Thread Empty Re: Rant Thread

Post  Loyal Subject Sat Jan 30, 2010 5:13 pm

^ emails are never threatening. you have to go in yourself and talk to them. and if that didnt work, then im surprised. my mom does that all the time for my sisters because they're in like special classes when they dont need to be in it.

anyway, im upset. i told my sister MONTHS ago to tell me when the musical Sweeney Todd was selling tickets. at one point, they were selling them as a special advanced thing for a week but i didnt know what my schedule was going to be like so i told her to wait until they started selling them again.

so yesterday i watched Sweeney Todd the movie and this morning i made a comment like "I can't wait to go see the musical live." ive been waiting like a year for this. then my mom says "Sweeney Todd? They're sold out I think."


words cannot describe how pissed off i was when i found out my sister didnt tell me tickets were going on sale. it's not like i asked her to buy them for me as soon as they went on sale, i asked her to just TELL me when they went on sale. And now they're apparently sold out? you have to be kidding me. and then she has the nerve to ask me if i can see if i can fix her computer that has viruses on it for like the third time in 6 months. i asked her to do ONE thing. One thing and she couldnt even do that. meanwhile, im expected to fix her computer ever time its broken because she gets viruses @_@.

well....after i was clearly pissed and ran to the computer to see if the school site said anything about it being sold out, my mom is like "i think it only said saturday is sold out..." to try and make me feel better. but the website doesnt say anything about it being sold out. so im making my sister bring in the form to buy tickets monday for a friday showing. and im going to email the director because he was my film's teacher and ask him if it's sold out or not. but honestly, im so disappointed in my sister. it's not like i ask her for that much. and i kept telling her this over and over again: tell me when Sweeney Todd is going on sale. i want to see it. @_@
Loyal Subject
Loyal Subject

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Rant Thread Empty Re: Rant Thread

Post  Lee Sat Jan 30, 2010 7:10 pm

While I do agree with getting help if you need it in school, I'm kind of neutral on this whole sue them ordeal. If your dad does win, that's money that he'll get. Kids who might need education just as much as everyone else will be just as hindered due to the budget cuts that would come due to such a event.

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Rant Thread Empty Re: Rant Thread

Post  zfish9 Sat Jan 30, 2010 7:33 pm

At that point, the school could cut down the sports. the school somehow has the bizarre notion that sports are more important. when budget cuts came, academics got a lot of cuts, but nothing was done to sports.

besides, my father has fought tooth and nail with this school district for about 11 years about me. i think that after that much fighting, he has the right to sue. and it's not like this is the first time. he helped write the law that would give disabled students more help, and he fought numerous school districts, including the previous one my sister went to before i was born.

Last edited by zfish9 on Sat Jan 30, 2010 8:50 pm; edited 1 time in total
Air Bender

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Rant Thread Empty Re: Rant Thread

Post  Loyal Subject Sat Jan 30, 2010 7:35 pm

that's a strange school....usually clubs are the first things to go =D. then sports.
Loyal Subject
Loyal Subject

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Rant Thread Empty Re: Rant Thread

Post  Loyal Subject Sun Jan 31, 2010 7:54 pm

Omg I'm loving this thread more and more.

Okay, before I begin, let me point out that I thought Avatar was a decent movie but I don't think it deserves to win Best Picture of the Year or Best Directing (since these usually go hand in hand) or Best Original Screenplay. To me the movie was unoriginal and I was expecting way more from it. Honestly, this leaves me with a problem for Alice as I am expecting MUCH from this movie but will probably be disappointed. Maybe. Who knows.

I will be frank, I've had some issues with this film before. Actually, it's more of I have had issues with some of the things James Cameron has said about his film and other filmmakers. But that has nothing to do with this. Only letting you know because this has gradually filled my hatred for what the rant is about.

This: http://www.nytimes.com/2010/01/30/movies/30imax.html?partner=rss&emc=rss

Apparently, Fox may try to fight Disney on which film will be on Imax screens in March: Alice or Avatar. Avatar doesn't look like it's slowing down so they want to keep the movie in theaters and push away Alice in Wonderland.

This concerns me. And irritates me. Why? Because I have been planning to see Imax 3D Alice in Wonderland since 2009! It's concerning me greatly because since I live by the city, I'm afraid they'll push Avatar out of city theaters but keep it in the local theaters because I don't think Disney is going to let this fly easily since they've been advertising the snot out of this movie. And this BAD BAD BAD because if Alice is going to be in the city only, I can't see it in Imax 3D.

I understand Avatar wants to stay in the theaters around that time for Oscar reasons and because it isn't slowing down. But 1. it doesnt even deserve best picture in my honest opinion and 2. Disney has been promised 179 Imax theaters according to this article. So back off and let Disney have its moment to shine and don't screw up Alice in Wonderland.

Words cannot even describe how pissed I am right now. One more reason to hate Avatar. I just hope the mall near me decides to show Alice over Avatar. I believe they have two theaters but I'm not entirely sure. Or, at the very least, I think Fox should at least allow Disney to have the 179 theaters for the midnight showing/opening weekend of the film and then switch back over.

You mess with Alice, you mess with me. And I will not be a happy camper if the midnight showing is ruined for me T_T. It's only been 2 years since I've been waiting for this movie @_@.
Loyal Subject
Loyal Subject

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Rant Thread Empty Re: Rant Thread

Post  Lee Sun Jan 31, 2010 8:13 pm

Oh no watch out Cameron, LS might hire a hitman.

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Rant Thread Empty Re: Rant Thread

Post  Loyal Subject Sun Jan 31, 2010 8:28 pm

Fox better watch out, I just might do it.
Loyal Subject
Loyal Subject

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Rant Thread Empty Re: Rant Thread

Post  Lee Fri Feb 05, 2010 10:56 pm

lol well Avatar is still doing well. It's like sports, if you have a good player you're not going to put him/her back on the bench or out of the game. The business industry is not about making everyone happy, it's just about making as many people happy as they have to to make a profit.

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Rant Thread Empty Re: Rant Thread

Post  Loyal Subject Fri Feb 05, 2010 11:10 pm

^ i know but I have faith that Disney is not going to take this lightly and WILL fight for it. Especially with all the advertising and promotions they've been doing. And all of it puts emphasis on the Imax 3D feature of the film. There's no way Disney is just going to sit by and waste their money like that.

I just hope they come to an agreement where they keep the midnight showings of Alice for opening weekend and then switch over to possible Avatar at midnight deal. But who knows, Fox might let Disney get its time. I doubt it though since last year their big movie was X-Men origins and that went down the drain so now that they have a success on their hands they'll want to keep it that way.
Loyal Subject
Loyal Subject

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Rant Thread Empty Re: Rant Thread

Post  Lee Sat Feb 06, 2010 12:13 am

Fox is stupid, they kill off bread winning shows and then decide "Hmmm...let's bring it back...nah let's kill it again."

There's so many successful shows that they just up and kill. Family Guy was canceled by the several times in the very beginning and so was Futurama until they finally pulled the final plug on it.

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