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One Piece

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One Piece - Page 2 Empty Re: One Piece

Post  Lee Mon Mar 12, 2012 12:08 am

I hear that netflix sucks though, because there's only certain movies and whatnot that you can rent. I don't know the full story because I don't use it myself, but I'm just passing on what I've heard, in case you want to look into it.

Male Number of posts : 18544

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One Piece - Page 2 Empty Re: One Piece

Post  Loyal Subject Mon Mar 12, 2012 10:47 am

yeah but they have a lot of stuff. a lot more than what's on tv anyway.
Loyal Subject
Loyal Subject

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One Piece - Page 2 Empty Re: One Piece

Post  Lee Mon Mar 12, 2012 4:31 pm

Right, but I just heard there are certain things that you can order during certain times or whatever.

Also One Piece now has their large Collection Set up to 5, that's 5 sets that start the series and end the Alabasta Arc, which really condenses the dvd sets. They're only $20 a set and sometimes cheaper (like set 1 and 2)

Male Number of posts : 18544

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One Piece - Page 2 Empty Re: One Piece

Post  Loyal Subject Mon Mar 12, 2012 7:50 pm

I've heard it's unlimited....I know my professor has it so i can ask her tomorrow.
Loyal Subject
Loyal Subject

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One Piece - Page 2 Empty Re: One Piece

Post  Lee Mon Mar 12, 2012 8:49 pm

This is about One Piece now, not Netflix. Or Luffy will send it flying with his gum gum rocket!

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One Piece - Page 2 Empty Re: One Piece

Post  Loyal Subject Tue Mar 13, 2012 4:26 pm

i totally forgot to ask her about it anyway lol.

but yeah, i have nothing else to really say about One Piece.
Loyal Subject
Loyal Subject

Female Number of posts : 17184

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One Piece - Page 2 Empty Re: One Piece

Post  Lee Tue Mar 13, 2012 5:33 pm

*Gum Gum Rockets LS out of thread.*

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